Spend $50 or more on your entire order and get this item shipped free!
How long will it take?
This Windscreen Ice Scraper is a stocked item. You should allow between #deliveryeta# working days for delivery. Once it leaves our factory, you’ll get an email with tracking details so you can keep an eye on the delivery progress. *Allow a few extra days during peak shopping seasons like Christmas and EOFY.
Can I return it?
If you change your mind, purchase the wrong item, decide you no longer need your items, or you just don’t like your purchase as much as you thought you would, you can return your purchase under our 100 Day Return Policy.
Improve Your Vision
This Ice Scraper allows you to clear ice from the windscreen, side and rear car windows with ease. Small, this tool packs away nicely in the glove box or boot cargo area for convenient access on frosty winter mornings.
Got questions?
What if it doesn't fit?
We want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase. If you are unhappy for any reason, contact us and we will always do our best to either resolve your concerns or offer you a return option. If it's an error in our catalogue or a picking error by our dispatch team then we will pay all cost via replied paid return labels. If you have ordered the wrong item or changed your mind just post it back to us and we will send you back the correct one. Please see our detailed Return Policy if you would like more information.